Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Christmas Time is Here!!!

Christmas has officially come to the Andersen house!  We've put up (both) trees, there are lights on the house (and a big snowman!!), Santa Claus has been seen (twice). I think it's official. Chris and I are LOVING Christmas this year because Cadence LOVES it. She is so much fun!!  Everything is a big deal that makes us love it even more. There is more Christmas to come (obviously) but here is what we have experienced so far. Keep checking back as we do more....

When Mom and Dad were here we took her to see Santa. She really liked him and sat right in his lap. She told him that she wanted a present and a yellow book. I think we've got that covered ;)

While in Wake Forest putting up Emily's tree Kay-Kay came over to see Cadence - and the rest of us too - but mostly Cadence. She brought this HUGE snowman as well as the adorable Christmas dress seen below. When Chris put the snow man up Cadence was literally squealing she was so excited. WE LOVED IT!! I so wish I would have gotten it on video because it was so cute and completely showed the stage of life that we are at right now. But, the pictures will have to do. 

The dress from Kay-Kay with the matching one for her Bitty Baby. 

Showing me the candy on our tree. 
"Mommy's Tree"

When we were in Wal-Mart before Thanksgiving we saw the display at the door of little pre-lit trees. This is how the conversation about it went

Cadence:  Screamed and  pitched a fit for one 
Ashleigh:  no,  I have a list of things to get today and a Christmas Tree isn't on the list. 
Cadence: "I want my GiGi!!"  
Ashleigh:  That's fine when GiGi comes for Thanksgiving she can bring you to WalMart for a tree because I'm not buying one.
Cadence:  I want my GiGi 

So, 3 days after Thanksgiving, Cadence and GiGi decorating the tree


The Lourceys said...

That picture of her with her bitty baby is precious!

Anonymous said...

I love the Snowman, and yes, GiGi couldn't wait to buy her a pink Christmas tree! We had fun decorating it, I'm sure she has rearranged it several times, but that's OK cause it's hers!