Saturday, November 3, 2012

Pumpkin Carving!

After purchasing our pumpkins, or course it was time to get down to the business of carving! So, we took Cadence's pumpkin, and go to work. Daddy used the sharp objects while everyone supervised. 

 Creed mostly just liked his screwdriver :)

 Cadence and Mommy mostly had to clean it out - yuck! 

 Baby Shaun just hung out in his chair being cute - he's pretty good at it!

our bowl of muck
 Daddy got to draw the face on while Cadence told him what it should look like :)

We roasted the seeds but they weren't great. Everyone ate a few and we threw the rest away. 
 and we finished our family fun with a game of UNO with everyone playing! It was fun and Creed won - but we're pretty sure he cheated :) 

and in true Andersen fashion, there is no finished product of the pumpkin.  But it was a fun day either way and we had lots of fun playing together!

1 comment:

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Daddy used the sharp objects while everyone supervised... except when Mommy and Shae were cleaning out the pumpkin and then it was Caleb's turn to be the knife-wielding toddler. ;)Never a dull moment with that boy!

I love that your kiddos are almost big enough to play family games together!