Thursday, August 23, 2012

Caleb's First Day of Preschool

Yet another transition this week was Cadence beginning First grade at home and Caleb going to preschool at First Pres. Mooresville. Craziness! The first week of school for everyone has been a huge success - which makes this mama pretty happy!

 Caleb Shaun,

      How is it that you are big enough to go to preschool?!?!?  When did you grow up? Because, you, our little man, are HUGE!! From your little half-hearted, no vocal cord self to a big man who has all kinds of words AND pee pees on the potty. You are a walking miracle!  and we certainly can't keep miracles this big to ourselves. So, off you go into a world of people that don't know us so well, but will know you in big ways! My prayer is that your little life lived out in BIG ways will always scream of just how much our God is capable of - especially when it's not expected :)

Your teachers, Mrs. Lisa and Mrs. Kim are in for a big treat as they get to have you in their class!  When you got home today you talked about your snack, playing potato head with your new friends, and singing songs. I was so proud that you made it the entire morning in one pair of pants :)  and you even said "I no hit, I no push, I a good friend"  and that makes me even more proud than your dry pants!

Daddy and I love you so much and can't wait to see how much you grow over this coming year.

One last sword fight with Creed just to remind him who's in charge :)

and he's all ready to go!


Rachael Davis said...

I can hardly stand the cuteness!!!!

The Lourceys said...

I love this post! I can't believe he talks so well!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

That cute little short man with his big backpack is adorable.

As are your boys and their sword fight.

"I no hit, I no push, I a good friend." - preciousness

Looking forward to seeing all the God is going to do in your little man's life!