Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What is Pioneer Park Days?!?

Pioneer Park Days is a little hard to explain if you've never actually attended. When I was a kid in elementary school, I remember dressing up in Pioneer costumes made by Aunt Connie and Mama and going to school to learn about people like Laura Ingalls Wilder. There was always a parade at some point during the week and then we would go to Pioneer Park Days where you could get a funnel cake, some corn, and listen to all these old-timey motors making lots of noise. It's changed a little since then, not much, but a little. The biggest change would be that now there's not a parade, I don't know if kids get dressed up, and they've incorporated a flea market into the event to attract old people ;)  

April described it as the "world's biggest yard sale" 

So this year, Emily and April decided to cash in on PPD's by making hairbows, burp cloths, paci clips, and pillow case dresses to sell at the "yard sale"  There stuff was definitely some of the cutest at the event. 

See what I mean?

Cadence was such a trooper. 3 days at a yard sale where it's hot and dusty can be hard on a kid. Here she is the first day taking a nap - on the ground, on a table cloth :)

One of Emily's pillowcase dresses. This one is one of my favorites!

I took Cadence to see some of the old-timey stuff at PPD too. She loved the train but didn't know why it was "broken" (because we couldn't ride it)  We looked in the indian tent but she was kind of scared because there were animal skins up all over it. 

Playing with GiGi (she definitely helped to make PPD more bearable)

And of course there was a playground. It was Cadence's favorite part and we spent lots of time playing at it. 

There were also REAL ponies!  Mom took Cadence to ride on them with Aunt Connie and she just kept saying "They're REAL!!" So, we went back with the camera to get some pics of her on a real pony. :)

The white one was the one she rode the first time. 


Anonymous said...

Cute girl! Lots of fun, I'm so sad you are all gone. I think I may be moving to NC soon, grandbabies too far away! Love & Miss you

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Shae's hair is so big and so cute! I love her little curls that hang down on the sides and in the front. And she is still one of the most beautiful sleepers I know...

Miss you guys! Maybe we can skype in the next day or so...

Mandy Devine said...

Mama in NC...that would be great! Mandy has a huge need to know how to make hairbows for my girl - TEACH ME PLEASE Emily or April :)