Thursday, February 10, 2011

V-Day Preparations

Cadence had her Valentines party at pre-school today. Therefore, this year we had to make valentines for everyone in her class. She really didn't get what we were doing but enjoyed writing all the names on the cards and putting stickers on them. It made much more sense today when she actually got to put them in her friends "bags" at school and she got cards in her bag. That was lots of fun for her!

In the process of making the cards Caleb Shaun wanted to sit down and color with Cadence. So, we pulled out his crayons and let him go to town on some paper. I really think this was the first time we've ever really let him color - which is shameful since he's 18 months old! He didn't really get what to do with the crayons but caught on after awhile. He mostly thought crayons were for eating or drumming with but that's OK; it wasn't horrible for his first time :)

I lost the paper with all the names of Cadence's classmates so we worked from memory to come up with a partial list. I wrote them out for her to copy and then realized that she only writes in Upper-Case so I had to re-write them in "tall" letters for her to copy.

Eventually we just let Caleb Shaun down from the table. He's much happier playing in the bouncy seat anyway! It's definitely one of his favorite things to do lately.


mama said...

So fun! I well remember those days and miss them! Enjoy every minute you are making sweet memories!!

Elizabeth Bradley said...

Hooray for Caleb and his crayons! I'm sure his OT would have been proud of you. ;) By the time he gets to Prague in a few months, hopefully he'll really enjoy coloring with his Aunt Lizzie... by then Creed will have taken on the eating and drumming role!

Your girl is beautiful. I love her hair and can NOT believe she is big enough to write her friends' names on their valentines. When oh when did that happen?!? It was so fun to chat with her on the phone yesterday and hear her rendition of putting cards and bags. :)

I'm jealous of all the fun stuff like this you get to do with your kids. I'm not jealous of all the times you have to tell them to not eat dog food and to get out of the toilet. ;) Enjoy the fun times... even if they seem more like chaos than fun. Love you!