I mean, I guess with 5 kids the odds are good that we will know our physicians on a first name basis but these past couple of weeks, we have had an abnormal amount of visits to drs.
Right after getting back from FL, the baby got a stomach virus. After 2 days of throwing up we took him to the Dr who said he was dehydrated. We brought him home and hydrated him with a medicine dropper for the next 24 hours. When he continued to dry heave, we thought there might be something more serious than we could handle on our own so, off to the ER we went.
Come to find out, we had done a good job hydrating him! Sadly, his colon had telescoped on itself and was causing him lots of pain :( So, that's why he was so miserable and dry heaving. After an air enema (yuck) and 24 hours of observation to make sure his colon would stay, we went home with a much happier - and very hungry - boy.
Fast Forward a week and Chris and I had a date night! We were so excited about going out and having some time together. About an hour in, our fantastic babysitter called in a panic. Imagine that moment when you hear all of your children screaming over the phone and hear that there is blood and a hammer was involved. AWESOME.....
after instructing the babysitter to apply "direct pressure" we bolted from Barnes and Noble like it was nobody's business and headed up the interstate towards home. A neighbor came over and drove the babysitter and Creed to the ER while her husband watched the other 4 kids. Chris and I met them at the ER and took over from there :) Checked him in, explained that his 3 year old brother had hit him in the head with a hammer - the best we could gather from the pieces of information - and waited to be seen.
We were so thankful that Creed was ok. Its always scary to see your kid with lots of blood on them but once we knew he was aware of all of us, we figured it was a good time to start documenting :) So, the pictures are a little gross but how else will we remember if it doesn't make it onto the blog?
The wound :( - He was much better once Daddy had him!
Up close of the wound - this was when we figured out it was the claw end of the hammer......
The bleeding had stopped and the ER was SLOW so we entertained ourselves the best we could!
A super nice nurse brought a popsicle and that helped too!
several hours and 2 staples later, we were good to go!
We are so grateful for people who pray when we ask them to and help us out.
Neighbors, church people, family all over the US, we couldn't live this crazy life without them!
and yes, we do know that there shouldn't be hammers in the boys room but we're human and didn't take it out of their room from where they had wanted to sleep with it the night before. If you watch the movie "Wreck it Ralph" hammers and little boys and this entire post make way more sense. :)