Friday, December 13, 2013

Family Day in CLT

It's crazy to me that we live so close to such a big city and yet we hardly ever venture down to it!  It offers all kinds of fun that we'd love to expose the kids to but it just doesn't always work out that way. So, we specifically planned to take one of our Family Fridays to go to Charlotte and have fun. They have a light rail system that isn't super advanced but efficient enough to travel on and since none of the kids have ridden on a real train for a really long time, it seemed like a fun thing to do. So, we headed south to see what kind of fun we could find!

The train was definitely the highlight for all the kids. The littles loved the windows and seeing things go by "so fast" and Cadence had fun figuring out which stop we were at and where we were going next. It's not a very complicated system in Charlotte (literally down and back) so she felt extra smart to be able to navigate the map :)

 We found a really fun restaurant in the EPICenter downtown but because kids in a restaurant aren't always the most fun, this is the only picture we took!

and then the ride back to the car - where the baby had to stay strapped in the stroller because there were actually people on the train :)

and what better way to end a family day than to come home and be Batman(s)  

I'm so thankful for our not-so-little family and the fact that we get days together to just be with each other. Even the stressful parts we wouldn't trade for anything in the world!

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