You can always tell when it's about time for a holiday because our far away family does a fantastic job of spoiling the kids (and Mommy and Daddy) from a long way away. So, when these boxes showed up all in the same day the kids were excited!
We made them wait until it was actually Valentine's Day to open the packages so they were very ready to open them when we actually told them that it was "go time"
Cards for everyone!!! From Green Gigi ,yellow GiGi, MeMee and Aunt Connie! and even Jane sent cards to the girls! I mean, who doesn't love a good Valentine?
We mostly had to keep Shaun from eating the cards :) |
He also loved the bubble wrap!
These little washcloths from Aunt Connie were so much fun.
You'd think they had never seen anything shrink wrapped :)
Olivia was a little taken back by all of it but she eventually figured it out that all the packages were full of more fun. and she LOVED her Zebra pants :)
Chris loves how much tape is always on the boxes :)
I believe this is a direct quote " their tape budget is more than their present budget"
Creed loved that there was a batman outfit in the mix and immediately had to put it on!
Cadence thought it was Christmas and that she had to lay out all her stuff :)
and after all the boxes there were cupcakes!
What too much Valentines Day celebration does to Batman
But thankfully in the Andersen house there's always someone willing to put on the mask
and let the Dark Knight rise again!
So glad you posted these photos, because it gives me way more of a glimpse into Shaun and Olivia... what they look like, their personalities, etc. It's hard to be so far away. I wish I could hug your sweet babies and that Cadence could see / feel our peanut kicking around in my stomach!
LOL so much love in these pics!! They make me laugh!
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